Provide a student with a future career with this 6-month nursing training program…
Category: Education

Teach Your Kid Program
Sponsor a student for after school tutoring for a period of 8-months for only $48…

Akhmim Recreational Center
The Akhmim Recreation Center is in the process of being built and cleaned in order to serve our children in Akhmim. This project will supply the center with the following: tree house swings ping pong tables nets soccer balls group games The land which the center is on also needs to be processed, cleaned, and…

Helping youth reach their goal of getting an education by providing resources and sponsoring students across the world…

Namibia Mission Service
There are two coptic churches in Namibia, one in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, and another in Ondangwa, a village in the North. Both churches are active with servants meetings, sunday school, vespers, liturgies, and vocational training such as sewing for women. Donations to this region will support: 1) Transportation – currently a bus picks…

Village Development
Consider investing in these development programs that are actively pulling entire villages out of poverty!

Parallel School
H.O.P.E. is currently sponsoring schools for children in slums areas of Egypt to supplement the children’s education with after-school tutoring. The need for Parallel Schools comes from the fact that children from low-income households in poor areas throughout Egypt are not given the proper education required in order to be successful. These children often come…