Last quarter, 27 newly married couples were helped to furnish their new homes.
Author: Carol Ebeid
3rd Evacuation Bus out of Sudan
Thank God, HOPE sponsored a 3rd Evacuation Bus ???? from Sudan to Egypt for 49 Sudanese refugees that are trying to flee the war! Each bus ticket costed around $327 and all 49 passengers made it safely to Egypt. To learn about our response to the Sudanese humanitarian disaster, click here.
Youssef Goal Reached
We are so thankful to God and to all our H.O.P.E. family that came through for Youssef and helped us raise $80,000 in such a short time for his Cancer injections. God bless and pray for Youssef’s healing!
Sudan Relief Update
We are so thankful that with your support and God’s protection, we were able to partner with the local church in Sudan and evacuate 2 buses full of Sudanese refugees that were fleeing the ongoing war. A total of 98 people were able to safely cross the border into Egypt. Glory be to God! Please…
Syria & Turkey Earthquake Update
$65,922.89 We are TRULY in awe of your generosity and we thank God for each and every one of you for your support and prayers! We also wanted to let you know how the money is going to be distributed. We’ve partnered with IOCC and Syrian Orthodox Church to help bring relief to people both…
Nativity Project Update
Thanks to YOU we were able to have another blessed Nativity Project this year where we got to serve in Egypt The following items were distributed to the most vulnerable and in need families in 30 different areas: – 1,646 sets of children’s clothes – 41 galabeyas – 150 blankets – 8 rolls of cloth…
Nativity Goal Reached
Thank you! For helping us reach our goal of $120,000 for the Nativity Project so that we can provide #food and #warmth to the most vulnerable families in all of Egypt
Food bags for Widows (Egypt)
Last quarter, we provided 2,739 widows’ families in poor areas in Egypt with food bags/hygiene boxes ($13,333).
Baby Formula for Syrian Babies
With a world wide shortage of baby formula. Last July, we were able to provide 45 babies in the Syrian community of Qamishli, Syria with infant formula for 10-months. We also provided 32 elderly people with adult diapers for 6-months. We are so thankful to be a part of blessing God’s children in Syria ??…
Ukraine Crisis
Through our generous donors, $10,000 was sent over in response to the current crisis in Ukraine. H.O.P.E. has partnered with Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian non-profit, to provide medical assistance and relief as quickly as possible to those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Pray for everyone who is fleeing and for peace in the region ??? If…