H.O.P.E. is currently sponsoring schools for children in slums areas of Egypt to supplement the children’s education with after-school tutoring.
The need for Parallel Schools comes from the fact that children from low-income households in poor areas throughout Egypt are not given the proper education required in order to be successful. These children often come from families with very low incomes and unstable social conditions where the parents themselves are illiterate. At times, there are over 50 children in one classroom. Most schools are low on resources for students who have difficulty learning. Many children end up dropping out, working in workshops or marrying at incredibly young ages. Those who manage to graduate may often still be illiterate and unable to read or write.
The vision of the Parallel Schools is to offer students with difficulty learning in their regular school the chance to learn and succeed. Classes are small with 5-12 children to cultivate a healthy environment where they can learn. Children are cared for through love and service by servants. Light meals, sweets, and chocolates, as well as prizes are given to encourage kids to love and come to the school five days a week.
The first Parallel School entitled Anba Wannas in 2015 enrolled about 50 children in 6 education levels. Children attended about 120 hours per semester with specialized and qualified teachers in all subjects that they study. Many servants of the church attended the classes to care for the children. A weekly report on each student is required from each teacher, with monthly reports given to to the parents. The fruits of this service are very clear, with many of the students making remarkable progress, especially those in the younger grade levels (1-3).
Please pray for these children to have a blessed future!
This project is fully funded by a generous donor!